An Introduction to the Life and Works of Rumi

Rumi is one of the most well-known poets and scholars in the Muslim world. A book of his sayings, aptly named “The Masnavi,” is one of the most widely read books in this genre. However, few people know the name of this man who has had such an impact on Islamic literature.

Rumi was born in 1207 AD in present-day Afghanistan. He was a spiritual teacher and scholar who wrote extensively about religion, love, relationships, and living life to its fullest potential. Rumi’s teachings are still highly relevant to our lives today and will remain forever. Here are some ways you can learn more about this unique man.

Introduction to Rumi

Rumi was a philosopher, theologian, and mystic saint who revolutionized Islamic literature. He lived from 1207-1273 AD in present-day Afghanistan and spent most of his life in Konya, Turkey. Throughout the course of his life, he traveled extensively and made several visits to Mecca. His teachings are still relevant to our lives today and continue to inspire people all over the world.

A Brief History

Born in 1207 AD in present days Afghanistan, Jalal Al-Din Muhammad Rumi was a Sufi Sheikh. He was born to a family of Turkish heritage and had an intense spiritual journey that led him to found the Mawlawi (Mevlevi) Order. Rumi’s teachings are still highly relevant to our lives today.

The Masnavi

Rumi’s most famous work, “The Masnavi,” is a complex spiritual epic that draws from both Islamic and Sufi teachings. Written in prose and verse, it tells the story of a wandering Sufi Muslim who discovers life’s purpose is to arrive at the truth by following the path of love.

Written in the late 1200s, this book has remained popular for centuries and continues to be read in many languages today. It also remains in print after 800 years and has never been out of print in its original language, Persian.

His Teachings are Still Relevant Today

Rumi was a Sufi Muslim scholar and poet in the 1300s. His teachings are still relevant to this day because they focus on the philosophy of “love.” Even today, thousands of people follow him on account of his extraordinary literary work. His literary works have been translated into many different languages. Rumi’s philosophy of love is very popular among people who are in search of peace and love in their hearts and soul. Here are some of the glimpses of his marvelous work on love, peace, and coexistence. 

“Love is in my religion, and I’m in love with love,” Rumi wrote these words in one of his famous poems. This idea, that love is an indescribable feeling that transcends any other feelings, is just as important today as it was when he first wrote these words.

This quote doesn’t just apply to romantic love, either-but for all types of love. Rumi taught that you can feel loving towards anything or anyone, even if it’s simply food or your pet. His teachings about the different levels of love are still relevant today. Because they teach us how to be happy without having to do anything special.

It’s not all about love though. Rumi also had teachings about the oneness of Allah (God) and achieving spiritual enlightenment. He believed that by uniting with God, you were able to find peace within yourself and eliminate any distracting thoughts or worries that would otherwise cause you pain.

What are some of his famous works?

Rumi’s most famous work is “The Masnavi.” In this book, he delivers a series of moral teachings in the form of a story. He tells about a meeting between a dervish and an older scholar, which took place at a caravanserai. The dervish is a wandering ascetic who wishes to learn from the other man. The scholar teaches him about the six human qualities: kindness, patience, understanding, awareness, gratitude, and love.

Another one of his famous works is “Masnawi-e Ma’naviyat” or “Spiritual Couplets.” This book contains Rumi’s thoughts on spirituality and how it can be found through union with God. It focuses on the journey to find truth and how to live life in accordance with divine will.

Rumi and Sufism

Born in 1207 AD, Rumi was a spiritual teacher and scholar who wrote extensively about religion, love, relationships and living life to its fullest potential. His teachings are still highly relevant to our lives today. One of the most well-known aspects of his teachings is Sufism which is a mystical sect of Islam where the follower seeks a personal connection with Allah.

Sufism can be traced back to Rumi’s teachings and it is often referred to as a “Rumi school” of thought. One popular example of this school is the whirling dervishes who spin around as they meditate. This spinning motion has been seen as a symbolic form of worship by followers for centuries.

Concluding Lines

Expanding our knowledge of Rumi in this way is not only useful for showcasing the importance of his work in the past, but also in the present. His thoughts are still relevant to our lives today. It is also important to know the context in which his thoughts were expressed in order to fully appreciate them. Rumi was a great philosopher of his time. His literary works is famous across the world for a long time. Even we can observe a lot of glimpses of Rumi,s literary spell in society.

In his literary work, his major focus remained the seek of the ultimate truth. And In Islamic philosophy, that truth is to keep a firm belief in the oneness of Allah(God). Moreover, to pursue the path which has been shown by the teaching of Islam is the major object of any Sufis. So, it would not be wrong to say, that all the literary work of Rumi, is actually derived from Islamic teachings and philosophy. 

As every Sufi seeks his guidance from the basic principles of Islam, So did Rumi too. His literary work is full of spiritual experiences, morality, and wisdom. This is the reseason, after so many years, people still recite his Masnavi to search for spirituality and wisdom.